News (well, a couple of weeks old) - I have now been accepted to do my PhD! I will be studying at Liverpool Uni and on a part-time basis, whilst I will be working at OA North. Can't wait to start!
Here is an excerpt from my proposal for whoever is interested:
My thesis will be concerned with capital cities in New Kingdom Egypt, focussing on major urban centres and their productivity. I intend to question whether and by what means a capital city could be defined and, in consequence, how far it contributed to Egypt's economy and wealth.
My core statement is that the presence of certain industrial establishments associated with an urban centre should be considered the major legitimisation of its status and wealth.
The outcome of my thesis will be an evolutionary model encompassing the emergence of urban centres in general and their industries until the end of the New Kingdom. Furthermore, I will be concerning myself with the establishment of a structural network based on the existence of industries within the cities of New Kingdom Egypt.
This approach will fill a significant gap in the current debate on Egyptian urbanism, providing an insight into relationships between industrial institutions and the seat of the administration and the king. My research will aid my career, preferably as a senior in fieldwork on an urban site, focussing on the development of major urban sites in Ancient Egypt.
I plan the evaluation of material remains known from urban production sites, such as the glass production sites at Amarna and Piramesse and the (later) metal and faience workshops at Thebes and Memphis. I will establish a database, which will enable me to filter the collected data into quantitative, local and functional groups and to be classified. This evaluation will take place with regards to the archaeological context and setting of the workshops. Thus, I will be able to gain insight into infrastructure and organisation of the cities, urban planning, and how far the production sites and their surroundings related to one another.
In addition to the local understanding of production sites within the capital cities, national networking will be of importance to understand the role of the capital as administrative centre, and royal seat as well as centre of distribution. The location of the city and its access to resources needs to be considered.
A discussion on international trade networks will highlight the roles and functions of Egyptian capitals of the period and their Middle Eastern equivalents.
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This is only an excerpt produced for an online-application which requires a resumee of the whole thing. I am not yet courageous enough to publish my name here. Thus I suggest leaving a comment in case anybody is interested in my research/co-operation/exchange of information etc. Many thanks!